Original article



Department of Neuropeptides Research, Chair of General and Experimental Pathology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

  Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is engaged in the modulation of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system activity. Effects of repeated intravenously injections of TRH in a dose of 100 ng/100 g b.w. on vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) biosynthesis and release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system was investigated in rats in different age (1-, 3- or 7-months of the life). To estimate the biosynthesis rate of both neurohormones the colchicine procedure was used (the dose of 5 µg/5 µl icv 20 hours before the decapitation). It has been observed that vasopressin synthesis in the hypothalamus increased gradually with maturation of rats, while OT biosynthesis decreased in the same animals. Hypothalamic biosynthesis rate of VP and OT is most effective in youngest rats and declines during the adolescence of animals. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone directly affects VP-ergic and OT-ergic hypothalamic neurons activity and both neurohormones biosynthesis process. This effect, however, is opposed: TRH acts as a stimulator of vasopressin biosynthesis most of all in young male rats and as an inhibitor for oxytocin biosynthesis especially in mature animals.

Key words: thyrotropin-releasing hormone, vasopressin, oxytocin, colchicine, hypothalamic synthesis


In addition to its primary role in the regulation of pituitary thyrotropin hormone secretion, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), the hypothalamic neuropeptide, acts in the central nervous system (CNS) as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator at a pre- or post-synaptic site (1, 2). TRH is supposed to be one of the neuropeptides/neuroregulators of the central nervous system engaged in the modulation of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system activity. Some evidence suggests TRH participation in vasopressin (VP) as well as oxytocin (OT) release under physiologic as well as pathologic states (3-5), however, in other experiments, no changes in OT and VP release after intracerebroventricularly (icv) injections of TRH were reported (6). Earlier studies from our laboratory have showed that TRH injected icv acts as an inhibitory neuromodulator of vasopressin and oxytocin release in 3 months old rat deprived of the access to tap water (7), in the conditions of the haemorrhage-provoked hypovolemia (8) as well as in suckling female rats during midlactation (9). TRH, injected intravenously (iv), diminished both neurohypophysial neurohormones release during the state of water deprivation (10). Similarly, TRH restricts VP and OT release in vitro from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system (11).

The process of vasopressin as well as oxytocin biosynthesis in the hypothalamus fluctuates during the animals life; the respective guide such as the neurohormones content in the hypothalamus and the neurohypophysis may be helpful to estimate the rate of this process. VP and OT content in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system is altered during different periods of the animal life. It has been demonstrated the rise, the decrease or no change VP blood level in old rats of Long-Evans, Wistar, Fischer or Spraque-Dawley strain (12-14). Hypothalamic vasopressin content diminished with advancing age of the rat while the neurohypophysial deposits similarly decreased or did not change (13, 14). As to oxytocin, the decline of its neurohypohysial content has been estimated without the changes in the hypothalamus and blood plasma (15).

Vasopressin and oxytocin, synthesized by magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamic supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei, are released from the neurohypophysis into the blood in response to several stimuli, mainly hyperosmolality of extracellular fluid, hypovolemia, suckling and parturition (16, 17). The freshly synthesized amounts of both neurohormones are transported along the axons of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons towards the neurohypophysis (18, 19). The blockade of axonal transport caused by the use of colchicine induces the accumulation of VP and OT in the magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamus. Colchicine is an alkaloid usually used as the blocker of neurotransmitters/neuromodulators neuronal transport in different brain structures, among them, in the neurons of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system (18). We used then the colchicine procedure because it gave the possibility of the estimation of vasopressin and oxytocin biosynthesis rate over a constant time period by the comparison of colchicine-treated rats with untreated rats. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to examine the vasopressin and oxytocin biosynthesis rate in the hypothalamus as well as their release into the blood plasma in young not mature rats (1 month old) and young adult rats (3 or 7 months old) under treatment of intravenously administered TRH.



One hundred and twenty three male Wistar rats weighing: 131 ± 7.7 g (±S.D.) (one month old) or 222 ± 6.1 g (±S.D.) (three months old) or 343 ± 9.7 g (±S.D.) (seven months old) were housed with free access to commercial food pellets as well as tap water ad libitum. All the animals were kept at room temperature in a controlled light (L) – dark (D) cycle L:D = 12:12; light was turned on at 07.00 a.m. There were four animals per a cage. All the experiments were performed with the acceptance (No. 37/LB339/2006) of the Local Ethical Committee, Lodz.

General experimental design

The animals were divided into three main series:
series I – rats at one month age,
series II – three months old rats
series III – seven months old rats.

In the each series the following groups of animals were selected:

group A (Veh-Salt) – rats injected iv, once daily for seven days, with vehicle solution (Veh; 0.9% NaCl; 100 µl/100 g b.w.) and received icv, twenty hours before the decapitation, 5 µl of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (Salt);

group B (TRH-Salt) – rats injected iv, once daily for seven days, with thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; Sigma Chemical Co.; lot 4640815) at a dose of 100 ng/100 g b.w. and received icv, twenty hours before the decapitation, 5 µl of Salt;

group C (Veh-Colch) – rats similarly injected iv with Veh and received icv, twenty hours before the decapitation, injection of colchicine solution (Colchicine Crystalline; Sigma Chemical Co., 085K1290) in a dose of 5 µg/5 µl;

group D (TRH-Colch) – rats similarly injected iv with TRH and received icv, twenty hours before the decapitation, injection of 5 µg/5 µl Colch.

The icv injections of colchicine vehicle (i.e., 0.9% sodium chloride) or colchicine solution (5 µg/5 µl) were made on the day before the decapitation. Animals were sacrificed 20 hr after colchicine or saline injection at the same time of a day (09.00-09.30 a.m.). The brain with the pituitary was removed from the skull, and the neurointermediate lobe was separated and homogenized in 0.25% acetic acid. A block of tissue containing the hypothalamus was dissected from the brain as described previously (20, 21) and homogenized in 0.5% acetic acid. The trunk blood was collected and VP and OT were extracted from the plasma using C18 Sep-Pak microcolumns (Waters Corp., Milford, Massachusetts, lot No W9224G1). The vasopressin and oxytocin content in the samples was determined by radioimmunoassay.

Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

The hypothalamic and neurohypophysial VP and OT content as well as plasma neurohormones concentration were determined by double-antibody specific RIA as previously described by Ciosek and Stempniak (22). Anti-VP and anti-OT antibodies were obtained in Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Medical University of Lodz. The antibody titer was 1:24,000 for AVP and 1:80,000 for OT (both final dilutions) and the lower limit of detection for the assay was 1.25 pg VP/tube and 1.25 OT/tube. For standard curve preparation as well as iodination with 125I, using the chloramine-T method, the VP ([Arg8]-Vasopressin; lot 802958) and OT (OT-Oxytocin synth.; lot 027179) from Peninsula Laboratories Europe Ltd. were used. The intra-assay coefficients of variation for the VP was less than 3.5% and for OT was less than 5% (all samples within the experiment were tested in the same RIA to avoid inter-assay variability).

Statistical evaluation of the results

Vasopressin and oxytocin level was finally expressed in nanograms (ng) per mg of the hypothalamus tissue, in ng for whole neurohypophysis and in picograms (pg) per 1 ml of plasma. All results were reported as the mean ± standard error of the mean (S.E.M.). Statistical analysis of the experimental data was performed using “STATISTICA” (Version 6.0) software (StatSoft, Krakow, Poland). Data were calculated by use of the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance by ranks (ANOVA) test; if ANOVA revealed significant effects post hoc analyses were done using the U’Mann-Whitney test. P<0.05 was used as the minimal level of significance.

To compare the vasopressin and oxytocin biosynthesis rate in the hypothalamus of experimental animals we estimated the neurohormones biosynthesis rate over a 1-hr period on the base of the difference between the mean hypothalamic hormone content in the respective groups of rats. This difference was divided by 20 in view of the period of the time between the solutions injections and the decapitation (19, 23). Basing on these criteria, we compared VP and OT biosynthesis rate between: saline- or colchicine-treated rats (Veh-Colch vs Veh-Salt; Fig. 4) as well as vehicle- or TRH-injected ones (TRH-Salt vs Veh-Salt and TRH-Colch vs Veh-Colch; Fig. 5 and 6). Since the synthesis rate was estimated in such a way standards errors could not be calculated (19, 23). When the difference was negative (it has marked the reduction of neurohormonal biosynthesis rate by TRH treatment) the respective figures (Fig. 11-12) contented the co-ordinates system with the negative values in the Y axle.


TRH influence on the VP content in the hypothalamus

According to the obtained results we have observed the progressive raise of VP hypothalamic content during the maturation of control vehicle injected animals (Fig. 1). TRH injected iv into 1-month rats followed by the significant increase of VP hypothalamic content (Fig. 1); the respective differences seen in elderly rats were not statistically significant. The colchicine procedure was most effective in 1-month rats in which the augmentation VP content in the hypothalamus has been showed (Fig. 1). TRH distinctly increased vasopressin hypothalamic stores in colchicine-treated rats only in 3 months old rats (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Vasopressin (VP) content in the hypothalamus of different age rats (1, 3 or 7 months old) under influence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or colchicine (Colch) (mean+/-S.E.M.)

TRH influence on the VP content in the neurohypophysis

Intravenously injections of TRH were the reason of the distinct increase of neurohypophysial VP content in saline- and colchicine-treated 1-month old rats (Fig. 2). Similar effects of TRH in 7-months old saline-injected animals have been observed (Fig. 2). TRH did not changed VP content in the neurohypophysis of 3-months old rats (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Neurohypophysial (NH) vasopressin (VP) content of different age rats (1, 3 or 7 months old) under influence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or colchicine (Colch) (mean+/- S.E.M.)

TRH influence on the VP blood plasma concentration

Plasma vasopressin concentration did not change in 1-month as as well as 3-months old rats under TRH treatment, however, the tendency to some decrease of VP plasma level has been showed in this second case (Fig. 3). In 7-months old rats we have observed dramatic rise of VP plasma level in colchicine-treated animals; TRH distinctly restricted this effect (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Plasma vasopressin (VP) concentration in different age rats (1, 3 or 7 months old) under influence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or colchicine (Colch) (mean+/- S.E.M.)

Vasopressin synthesis rate in the hypothalamus under influence of colchicine or TRH

The influence of colchicine was most effective (i.e., most strongly blockade of VP transport) in younger 1-month rats in comparison with mature 3- and 7-months old rats (Fig. 4); the weakest colchicine effect in eldest animals has been demonstrated. TRH, chronically injected into saline-treated rats, was the reason of strongest and rapidest VP synthesis rate in the hypothalamus of youngest rats (Fig. 5); the slowest VP biosynthesis speed in 7-months rats has been showed. In animals injected icv with colchicine and simultaneously iv treated with TRH the VP biosynthesis rate in the hypothalamus was highest in 3-months old rats and lowest in 7-months old rats (Fig. 6).

Fig. 4. The effect of colchicine on vasopressin (VP) synthesis rate in different age rats

Fig. 5. The effect of TRH on the vasopressin (VP) synthesis rate in different age rats

Fig. 6. The effect of TRH on the vasopressin (VP) synthesis rate in different age and colchicine-treated rats

TRH influence on the OT content in the hypothalamus

Intravenously administered TRH significantly decreased OT hypothalamic content of 1-month old rats injected icv with saline or colchicine solution (Fig. 7). Similarly influence of TRH in 3-months old colchicine-treated rats and 7-months old saline-injected animals has been observed (Fig. 7). In all three series of animals icv injection of colchicine was the reason of distinct rise of OT content in the hypothalamus (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Oxytocin (OT) content in the hypothalamus of different age rats (1, 3 or 7 months old) under influence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or colchicine (Colch) (mean +/-S.E.M.)

TRH influence on the OT content in the neurohypophysis

Neurohypophysial OT content diminished significantly under influence of TRH in colchicine-treated rats in the age of 1- or 7-months (Fig. 8). On the contrary, OT neurohypophysial content increased following by TRH treatment in saline injected 7-months old rats (Fig. 8). It has been observed any significant TRH effect on OT release from the neurohypophysis of 3-months old rats.

Fig. 8. Neurohypophysial oxytocin (OT) content of different age rats (1, 3 or 7 months old) under influence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or colchicine (Colch) (mean +/- S.E.M.)

TRH influence on the OT blood plasma concentration

Our results showed the distinct diminution of OT blood plasma level in TRH-treated and injected icv with saline 3-months old rats (Fig. 9) or injected icv with colchicine 7-months old ones (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Oxytocin plasma concentration of different age rats (1, 3 or 7 months old) under influence of thyrotropin-releasing hormone TRH and/0r colchicine (Colch) (mean +/- S.E.M.)

Oxytocin synthesis rate in the hypothalamus under influence of colchicine or TRH

Similarly to vasopressin, oxytocin synthesis rate in animals injected icv with colchicine was highest in younger rats (1-month old) and decreased gradually to smallest level in rats in the age of 7 months (Fig. 10). Intravenous injections of TRH to salt-treated rats caused the decrease of OT synthesis rate – the strongest TRH effect in 7-months old rats has been showed (Fig. 11). Similarly, injections of TRH administered to colchicine-treated rats followed by the inhibition of oxytocin synthesis rate, however, the strongest TRH influence in 1-month old rats and the weekest in 7-months old rats have been noted (Fig. 12).

Fig. 10. The effect of colchicine on the oxytocin (OT) synthesis rate in different age rats

Fig. 11. The effect of TRH on the oxytocin (OT) synthesis rate in different age rats

Fig. 12. The effect of TRH on the oxytocin (OT) synthesis rate in different age and colchicine-treated ratsThe effect of TRH on the oxytocin (OT) synthesis rate in different age and colchicine-treated rats


In the discussion we intend to assume towards three main problems: (i) the modifications of vasopressin and oxytocin levels in the hypothalamus, neurohypophysis and blood plasma in different age rats; (ii) the estimation of both neurohormones hypothalamic biosynthesis rate by using the colchicine procedure (iii) thyrotropin-releasing hormone influence on vasopressin and oxytocin biosynthesis and release in saline-treated or colchicine-treated animals.

The process of vasopressin and oxytocin synthesis in the hypothalamus and their release from the neurohypophysis into the blood of the experimental rats changes with the passage of the time. The alterations in the ability to regulate water excretion and urine production under influence of vasopressin with the ageing of animals or human have been noted (24). Some authors (13, 14) have observed the diminution of hypothalamic VP content in elder rats (30 months old) in comparison to young ones (1-2 months old) while the neurohypophysial VP deposits similarly decreased or did not change. It has been demonstrated the rise, the decrease or no change VP blood plasma level with ageing of different strains rats, i.e., Long Evans, Wistar, Fischer or Spraque-Dawley rats (12, 13, 25). Neurohypophysial OT content failed in aged rats without the changes in the hypothalamus and blood plasma (15).

In our study we have investigated the age-interval between 1 to 7 months of the life because of the frequent usage of such rats by the experimenters in numerous papers. Our data showed that in control vehicle-injected rats vasopressin synthesis increased gradually with maturation of animals; VP hypothalamic content was lowest in 1-month old and highest in 7-months old rats. Then, VP neurohypophysial content decreased to lowest values in 3-months old rats, then has risen in 7-months old animals to level similar this occurred in the youngest ones. It may be interpreted by transient declining axonal transport from the hypothalamus to the neurohypophysis. It could be consistent with the observation by Fotheringham et al. (26) indicating a significant reduction of up to 25% in the rate of axonal transport of the neurohormones but it was noted in animals with advancing age. On the other hand, some authors (27) hypothesized that the axonal transport of vasopressin is a process linked to synthesis rate rather than VP release from the neurohypophysis. In our paper lower VP values in the neurohypophysis correspond with higher plasma concentration of this neurohormone, so this observation could also testify to increasing VP release into the blood. However, above results are not quite consistent with the data of Zbuzek et al. (28) which showed that 3H-arginine incorporation into VP molecule as the index of neurohormonal biosynthesis was highest in the young, lower in the adult and lowest in the old rats as well as age-related decrease in the release of newly synthesized VP from the neurohypophysis. Furthermore, we showed that in contrast to VP oxytocin hypothalamic content in 1-month and 7-months old vehicle-treated rats were unaltered and at the similar level; the smallest values in 3-months old rats have been noted. In the same 3-months old animals the increase of neurohypohysial OT content attest to intensification of its axonal transport towards the neurohypophysis. Initial relatively high OT concentrations in blood plasma in Veh-Salt 1-month old rats undergo the debasement to lowest OT level in 7-months old rats. So, it seems that the process of OT plasma level normalization proceeds in opposite direction than in case of VP, i.e. from higher values in youngest rats to lower in adult rats.

Other aspect of our paper is the estimation the neurohormonal biosynthesis rate in the hypothalamus of different age animals with use of colchicine procedure. Colchicine was found to exert the strong inhibitory effect on the transport of the newly synthesized neurohormones from the perikarya of VP-ergic and OT-ergic neurons to the axonal terminals in the posterior lobe of the pituitary (18, 29). Colchicine administered into the third ventricle in doses in the range from 3.5 µg to 8 µg/rat blocked neurohormonal transport for 18-24 hours (19, 29). Earlier reports indicated that the colchicine method is useful in the detecting changes in the syntheses of VP and OT even in such small hypothalamic regions as supraoptic nucleus (29). In our paper we hope first describe that the hypothalamic biosynthesis rate of VP and OT is most effective in youngest rats and declines during the adolescence of animals to grow up.

Vasopressin and oxytocin act in the brain both as the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators of different biological processes. In particular, vasopressin is implicated in the central regulation of water-electrolyte homeostasis and cardiovascular system activity by binding with respective membrane receptors (V1a, V1b and V2). The participation of vasopressin in physiological regulation of these processes and its implication in the pathogenesis of brain edema and impairment of cerebral circulation have been described lately in detail by Kozniewska and Romaniuk (30).

In connection with biological central effects of AVP and OT the mechanisms related to both neurohormones biosynthesis and release require detailed and permanent studies. Thus, the biosynthesis as well as release of neurohypophysial neurohormones are the composed processes regulated by the neural and/or neurohormonal mechanisms. The numerous neurotransmitters, and/or neuromodulators, and/or neuropeptides of central nervous system have been reported to be involve in these processes as excitatory or inhibitory agents acting at the postsynaptic and/or presynaptic level. Such excitatory agents as glutamate, dopamine, histamine, acetylcholine, angiotensin II, and inhibitory agents such as GABA, galanin, adenosine, atrial natriuretic peptide, modulate vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons activity. The respective information concerning these problems have been presented in interesting review of Dayanithi et al. (31). Among others, the following neuropeptide - thyrotropin-releasing hormone has been suggested to modify vasopressin and oxytocin release. In fact, some earlier data, also from this laboratory, suggest a modulatory role for TRH in the release of neurohypophysial neurohormones; the respective experiments were performed on 3-months old male or female rats (6, 10, 22, 32, 33).

The presence of TRH, TRH receptors, mRNA for TRH and TRH receptors has been noted in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis (34, 35). In hypothalamic neurons of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei TRH is colocalized with vasopressin and oxytocin (35, 36). TRH is also present in VP-ergic and OT-ergic terminals in the neurohypophysis (37). The coexistence of TRH with vasopressin and/or oxytocin in the areas of the hypothalamus involved in the maintenance of the water-electrolyte balance indicates that this peptide can participate in the regulation of VP and OT biosynthesis and secretion.

In our experiments the route of TRH administration may be some of importance, however, it has been assumed that TRH applied intravenously penetrates to the brain through the blood-brain barrier quite well (38). It has been supposed that peripherally injected TRH has access to the central nervous system through cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (39). Okuda et al. (40) has been noted quickly increase of TRH concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid after its iv administration to the conscious rats. So, exogenous TRH, applied icv or iv, exerts in CNS its influence on the hypothalamic areas containing VP-ergic and OT-ergic neurons and modifies the release of both neurohormones into the blood engaging the hypothalamic and/or pituitary TRH receptors.

This study demonstrates, we believe for the first time, thyrotropin-releasing hormone influence on vasopressin and oxytocin synthesis and release in rats in age period in the range from 1-month old to 7-months old rats. In present experiments TRH administered peripherally iv to saline- and colchicine-treated 1-month rats resulted in a significant rise in the hypothalamic and neurohypohysial VP content. Similar TRH influence has been noted in the hypothalamus of colchicine-treated 3-months rats as well in neurohypohysial VP content of saline-injected 7-months animals. However, VP concentration in blood plasma diminished only in the colchicine-injected 7-months rats. These observations could be the ground for the supposition that TRH modulates vasopressin biosynthesis and release at the different levels. On the one hand, in the young animals TRH stimulates neurohormonal biosynthesis and the axonal transport to the neurohypophysis. On the other hand, in elder animals TRH rather inhibits vasopressin release from the neurohypophysis into the blood. In fact, stimulatory TRH influence on VP biosynthesis rate is strongly marked in 1 month saline-injected rats and declines with passage of time. When TRH was administered to colchicine-treated rats the distinct increase of VP biosynthesis rate in 3-months old rats has been noted which suggests immediately influence of this peptide on the VP-ergic neurons at the hypothalamus level. These results are consistent with our earlier experiments in vitro in which TRH inhibited vasopressin and oxytocin release from the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial explants (11). Similarly, the present results are in agreement with former data from this laboratory, which showed that TRH injected icv inhibited vasopressin release in euhydrated as well as dehydrated, haemorrhaged or salt-loaded rats (7, 41-44). However, the present study do not confirm other our previous findings (10) which showed that TRH injected iv to animals of equilibrated water metabolism resulted in a decrease of hypothalamic and neurohypohysial VP contents. This difference difficult for the interpretation at this moment remains to subsequent elucidation.

This study shows that TRH exerts an opposite effect on the hypothalamic OT synthesis in comparison to VP. We have found that chronically administered TRH was able to inhibit OT biosynthesis in 1 month old Veh-Salt rats as well as 3 months old Veh-Colch and 7 months old Veh-Salt rats. The OT biosynthesis rate is inhibited following by TRH administration and this effect is most strong marked in 7-months old saline-injected animals and 1-month old colchicine-treated ones. What is more, neurohypophysial OT deposits decreased under influence of TRH in 1- and 7-months old colchicine-treated rats; however, the increase of OT content in the neurohypophysis of 7-months saline-treated rats after TRH injections has been noted. These results are in agreement with some earlier our observation (10) but do not confirm other data from this laboratory (7, 41- 44).

It cannot be excluded that TRH modifies VP and OT release indirectly, i.e., by stimulation of the pituitary – thyroid system and/or by participation of the anterior pituitary hormone prolactin.

The results of the studies concerning possible role of the thyroid in the regulation of VP and OT secretion are not quite consistent. For example, Ali et al. (45) has found the diminution of plasma vasopressin level in the hypothyroid rats. However, in other study there were no differences in plasma or pituitary VP levels as well as hypothalamic VP mRNA content during aminotriazole-induced hypothyroidism in rats (46). On the other hand, treatment of rats with triiodothyronine increased OT mRNA expression, the neurohypophysial OT content as well as OT level in blood (47). In patients with hyperthyroidism the increase of VP plasma level has been observed (48). Thyroxine injected into neonatal rats did not change the concentration of VP mRNA in the neurons of the hypothalamic PVN (49).

As TRH is well-known prolactin liberator the distinct relationships between PRL and neurohypophysial neurohormones release may be taken under consideration. The prolactin gene expression and immunoreactive PRL forms as well as PRL receptor mRNA in magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei have been detected (50-52). Prolactin and its 16 kDa N-terminal fragment stimulate release of VP in vitro by a direct effect on the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial neurons (53). Prolactin intensifies OT mRNA expression (54) and oxytocin release in vitro from the hypothalamic explants (55). What is more, intracerebroventricular injection of PRL induces of c-Fos in the SON (56). On the other hand, electrophysiological studies have been showed that prolactin induced a significant decrease in firing rates of OT-ergic neurons without the effect on the VP-ergic neurons activity in nonpregnant rats (57).

Taken together these findings suggest that:
  1. during the maturation of male rats vasopressin synthesis and release increase whereas these processes in relation to oxytocin diminish;
  2. VP and OT biosynthesis rate in the hypothalamus is most effective in youngest rats and declines with the passage of the time of animals life;
  3. thyrotropin-releasing hormone affects VP-ergic and OT-ergic hypothalamic neurons activity and both neurohormones biosynthesis process. This effect, however, is opposed: TRH acts as a stimulator of vasopressin biosynthesis most of all in young male rats and as an inhibitor for oxytocin biosynthesis especially in adult animals.
This work has been supported by the grant No. 502-16-654 of Medical University of Lodz.

Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank to Dr. Jacek Drobnik (Department of Connective Tissue Metabolism) for his helpful discussion of the results and to Mrs. Lucyna Grzywna (Department of General and Experimental Pathology) for her technical assistance with the Sep-pak method for VP and OT extraction.

Conflict of interests: None declared.

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R e c e i v e d : July 2, 2008
A c c e p t e d : April 30, 2009

Author’s address: Assoc. Prof. Joanna Ciosek, Department of Neuropeptides Research, Chair of General and Experimental Pathology, Medical University of Lodz, 60 Narutowicza Street, 90-136 Lodz, Poland; Phone/Fax: 042 630 61 87; e-mail: joannack@poczta.onet.pl