Review article



1St. George Medical Center, Robert-Koch-Hospital, Leipzig, Germany; 2University Hospital, Pulmonary Department, Mainz, Germany;
FISPE Epidemiology GmbH, Berlin, Germany; 4First Department for Internal Medicine, Hospital Furth, Germany

  Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occur more frequently with increasing COPD severity and are associated with increased morbidity, reduced quality of life, and increased risk of mortality. The prevention and assessment of exacerbations, as a clinically and therapeutically relevant parameter, is a central aspect of clinical COPD studies. The aim of this review is to identify pitfalls in the analysis of the parameter of exacerbation and to describe the criteria that need to be considered in the statistical analysis of exacerbation studies.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, exacerbation, statistics


Guidelines define an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as an acute deterioration in clinical symptoms (dyspnoea, cough, and/or sputum production) in the course of the disease that goes beyond the daily fluctuations in the symptoms and requires a change of medication (1). COPD exacerbations are etiologically and clinically heterogeneous events (2). Viral and/or bacterial respiratory tract infections constitute the most common causes of acute exacerbations, but in about 30% of cases no cause can be identified (3, 4). The following conditions, in particular, need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of an exacerbation: pneumonia, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, and pneumothorax.

Because of the dubious clinical relevance of mild exacerbations, the severity of an exacerbation is generally also determined. The need for systemic corticosteroid and/or antibiotic therapy has become accepted as a criterion for a moderate exacerbation and for in-patient treatment as a criterion for a severe exacerbation, at least in the context of randomized clinical trials (5-9). However, health care systems and consequently out-patient or in-patient treatment options vary in different countries. In addition, the previous strictly event-based definition underestimates the true extent of exacerbations, so that other definitions of exacerbation focus more on symptoms (10, 11). Generally, different symptom or event-oriented definitions of an exacerbation make a comparative evaluation of clinical studies challenging (4).


The main factors in repeated COPD exacerbations are summarised in Table 1. COPD exacerbation frequency and severity indicate clinical instability as well as progression of the disease process and are therefore relevant for prognosis (21). For this reason, prevention of acute exacerbations constitutes an important treatment goal. Drugs of choice for the long-term therapy of COPD are inhaled bronchodilators (long-acting anticholinergics and/or ß2 sympathomimetics), which have also been shown to prevent exacerbations (22-25). In patients with FEV1 <50% and with repeated exacerbations, additional inhaled corticosteroid treatment is recommended (26).

Table 1. Clinical and physiological effects of frequent COPD exacerbations.
BODE score - Composite score consisting of body-mass index, respiratory tract obstruction (FEV1), degree of dyspnoea (modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale) and exercise capacity, measured by means of the 6-min walking test (8, 19).


General considerations

In order to establish whether there is a significant difference between two or more interventions in terms of a specific endpoint, the recorded data must be described by a suitable statistical model and a test of the hypothesis performed. For a sensible interpretation of the test results, not only do the assessed intervention and the concerned endpoint need to be clearly defined, but also the analyzed groups should be comparable with one another and ideally differ only in the form of treatment. What is important here is to establish whether, and to what extent confounders, such as age or genetic predisposition, and bias, such as a systematically biased patient selection, exert an effect on the study results.

Problems of group comparability

In contrast to the analyses of administrative databases (27, 28) and observational studies (29), randomized clinical trials have the advantage that they can minimize or even eliminate the effect of selection and particularly of confounders by a random allocation of study participants to treatment groups. This advantage, however, applies only at the beginning of the study and not necessarily to its subsequent course. Even studies with a randomized design are subject to effects which, as systematic errors, can falsify the outcome. In this context, two possibilities had to be considered:
In the ISOLDE study, 57% of patients treated with inhaled glucocorticoids (ICS) completed the study, but only 47% in the placebo group (5). For Calverley et al. (32), the drop-out rate was 41% in the placebo group, but only 29% in the budesonide/formoterol-treated group, while the approximately 20% rate of non-COPD-related side effects and associated discontinuations was twice as high in the treatment than in the placebo group. Kesten et al. (33) describe higher drop-out rates in the placebo groups than in the tiotropium treatment arm. In the TORCH study the proportion of study discontinuations was also highest in the placebo group with 44.2% (31).

This raises the question as to the extent of differential distortion occurring in the placebo group compared with the active group as a result of the higher drop-out rate. If, as may be suspected, those patients from the placebo group with COPD instability have a higher discontinuation rate, there will inevitably be an increased number of healthier and/or clinically more stable patients remaining. Those patients most likely have a comparably lower exacerbation risk, better FEV1, and a smaller annual FEV1 decline. This placebo-related selection can potentiate or attenuate the difference from the active treatment group depending on the study design. The observed group difference between the placebo and active treatment groups could be seen as a result of different health status or study design-related selection pressure. Such problems of the group comparability are a confounding factor in individual studies and cannot be eliminated in the quantitative analysis of individual studies, or meta-analyses.


Meta-analyses are quantitative summaries of outcomes of individual studies in which diverse hypotheses have been tested (34). They are viewed as a useful supplement to clinical decision-making and, like other types of study, are governed by clear methodological guidelines (35). Meta-analyses reduce the random errors introduced by the smaller case numbers of individual studies, as a result of which significant results can be obtained even for small differences. Small studies are subject to a greater random error, which is readily apparent in the higher variance and the size of the confidence interval, as an expression of the dispersion of the effect size than studies with larger case numbers. In addition, as described above, all studies can be affected by systematic errors and confounders with a distorting effect on the result, which affects the risk estimate. Meta-analyses do not compensate for systematic errors, so that false positive or negative results can occur. Therefore, meta-analyses, even of randomized clinical trials, should be interpreted with caution. The minimum requirement for a meta-analysis is that the studies included are defined in the same way in terms of treatment (exposure) and target event (primary and/or secondary parameters, in this case exacerbation). It must also be ensured that all relevant studies are included in the meta-analysis to prevent ‘publication bias’, which generally occurs if small studies with statistically non-significant results are ignored. Some of these points are exemplified below.

In the Cochrane analysis by Nannini et al. (36) a reduction in the exacerbation rate from 1.84 to 1.42 per year was calculated on the basis of four studies in which two combination products had been tested (fluticasone/salmeterol and budesonide/formoterol; study duration 6-12 months) with a total sample size of 2986 patients. The authors point out that the clinical outcome cannot be quantified, as the target event (exacerbation) was defined differently in the four studies. In addition, various drug doses were tested. The meta-analysis by Alsaeedi et al. (37), who also included studies which differed in terms of the ICS products and doses, found a significant heterogeneity in the study results. Here again the different ICS effects in respect to the outcome parameter exacerbation can be attributed to the heterogeneity of the studies included in the evaluation. In the authors’ view, this is due to differences in the definition of exacerbations. However, the studies cited differ quite substantially in other respects, like the proportion of active smokers which ranged between 38 and 90%, and the study durations varied between 6 and 40 months (37).

There is a broad spectrum of treatment modalities and definitions of exacerbations in both individual studies and their meta-analyses, so that the requirement of including only studies with the same exposure and target event is fulfilled to limited extent. The number of study drop-outs in the reference groups and their effect on outcome are largely ignored in the meta-analyses. For example, in the meta-analysis from Salpeter et al. (38) the precise definition of exacerbation in the individual studies was quite unusual, because it has been solely stated as an event that resulted in either exclusion from the study, hospitalization, or death. The absence of the precondition of group comparability necessary for the calculation makes the meta-analytical assessment of treatment efficacy problematic.

Statistical model

In addition to the inclusion of the target event and the drop-out rates, the selection of analytical method is crucial for the target outcome. At the same time, the properties of the target event must be taken into account when analyzing the frequency or distribution of that event. In many studies the number of exacerbations for all days of treatment is extrapolated from the exacerbation rate per patient to obtain the number of exacerbations per treatment year and per patient. Thereafter, a non-parametric procedure, such as Wilcoxon’s rank sum test, can be used to assess whether there is a statistically significant difference between the forms of treatment, as has been done in the ISOLDE study and the Lung Health study (39, 40). Alternatively, a t-test of the mean event rates can be performed in a parametric model, as done in more recent publications assuming a normal distribution.

However, exacerbation rates are not normally distributed, but generally occur 0 to 2 times a year. In addition, the proportion of study participants with more than 2 exacerbations per year decreases slowly and asymmetrically over the course of a study (41). It has, therefore, been recommended that a Poisson distribution should be used to model exacerbation rates, as this takes account of their specific properties (28, 41-43). A Poisson distribution refers to the expected number of events within a defined unit of time. It has to satisfy three assumptions:
Since exacerbations are a) binomial i.e., either the patient has an exacerbation or not, b) they can develop independently of any previous exacerbations, and c) as a first event are distributed constantly over a period of time, exacerbation rates in principle follow the laws of a Poisson distribution. Any difference in the length of time in which the patients remain in the studies is ignored in this form of analysis, since a defined unit of time is used in the calculation and the individual probability of a subsequent event alters with the number of previous exacerbations.

Suissa (42) has introduced a refinement of the now current Poisson approach in most clinical exacerbation studies to analyze prophylactic ICS efficacy by minimizing COPD exacerbation rates. To illustrate and test his statistical approach, the author constructed one large and several small “randomized” studies from a COPD cohort in an administrative database (Saskatchewan Health). In this model calculation he assumed an exacerbation in the event of a prescription of an antibiotic with or without an additional prescription of an oral corticosteroid (43, 44). Patients who had already suffered an exacerbation before inclusion in the cohort served as a reference group. The virtual “treatment group” consisted of a random selection of COPD patients without exacerbation (i.e., without a previous prescription of an antibiotic and/or corticosteroid). In this figurative example, the mean observation period was predefined as 3-4 years. The author analyzed the results using three different analytical methods: a) Wilcoxon’s rank sum test, b) normal Poisson regression, and c) modified Poisson regression variant, designed to allow for individual variability in the observation periods and hence heterogeneity in the individual exacerbation rates by means of weighting. This last approach is primarily based on the observation that patients had different study durations due to high drop-out rates and thus had different probabilities of an exacerbation event. Further, this modified Poisson regression was designed to account for the inhomogeneous distribution of exacerbations within a cohort, in which many COPD patients suffer a number of exacerbations, while others suffer no acute events at all.

For example, it is not the same thing, either statistically or in the real world, when one patient in a study suffers 12 exacerbations and 12 participants suffer one exacerbation each. The overall model in the modified Poisson regression provides, therefore, for a weighting for both the different duration of observation and the different probabilities of exacerbation among study participants. This method demonstrated that the event rates (exacerbations) of treated and untreated participants were closer to one another under the weighted calculation than the unweighted calculation suggested (42). The author concluded that without weighting, as done in most statistical calculations of COPD drug studies, there is a statistical calculation error in the form of a falsely increased difference between active treatment and placebo. The risk situation of study participants with regard to an exacerbation can only be correctly reflected, if the patient’s time in the study, the time frame till the onset of the exacerbation as well as the tendency to multiple exacerbations are considered (42). Interestingly, there is a reduction in the exacerbation rate of the treatment group compared with the reference group. The weighted risk for the comparison of “treated” (patients without previous exacerbation) with “untreated” (patients with previous exacerbation) was 0.75 (25% reduction during treatment), the unweighted exacerbation risk based on the mean was 0.57, and the risk based on the median was 0.63. The weighted result was not significantly different. The two COPD studies which also used a Poisson model (32, 45) achieved similar, statistically not significant results. Conversely, a weighted analysis of a randomized study of exacerbation rates of salmeterol/fluticasone versus salmeterol, as done with Suissa’s recommendation (46) revealed only a “cosmetic“ effect on the overall result (47, 48). There was only a marginal change in the result in terms of the confidence interval from 0.65 (95% confidence interval: 0.57–0.76) to 0.65 (95% confidence interval: 0.54–0.79), with no change in the statistical result. However, this study was confined to patients with severe COPD and frequent exacerbations, so that the variability in the individual susceptibility to exacerbations was possibly smaller than in other studies (48). Alternatives to the Poisson regression, such as the negative binomial distribution, are currently being discussed, but these will not be addressed here (49).


Correct investigation of acute COPD exacerbations and analysis of the extent to which pharmacological interventions can reduce these events depend considerably on the methodological and statistical approach adopted. They relate firstly to the precise definition and monitoring of exacerbations in order to obtain conclusive results about the effectiveness of treatment. Studies that failed to consider the time course of the distribution of exacerbations in the past have resulted in falsely increased differences between the exacerbation rates in the active treatment compared with placebo groups. The following points should be considered in assessing exacerbation studies:
Conflicts of interest: Adrian Gillissen has received consultant’s and speaker’s fees during the last three years and has obtained research grants from the following pharmaceutical companies: AstraZeneca, Asche Chesi, Bayer Vital, Boehringer Ingelheim, Jansen Cilag, GlaxoSmithkline, Novartis, Pohl-Boskamp. The St. George Medical Center has received grants for services performed during participation in single- and multi-center clinical phase I-IV trials organized by various pharmaceutical companies.
Thomas Glaab was an employee of Boehringer Ingelheim at the time of publication.
Roland Buhl has received reimbursement for attending scientific conferences, and/or fees for speaking and/or consulting from Chiesi-AstraZeneca, Talecris, Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen-Cilag, Novartis, and Pfizer. The Pulmonary Department at Mainz University Hospital received financial compensation for services performed during participation in single- and multi-center clinical phase I-IV trials organized by various pharmaceutical companies.
Michael Lewis was an employee of FISPE Epidemiology GmbH at the time of publication.
Heinrich Worth has received consultant’s and speaker’s fees during the last three years and has obtained research grants from the following pharmaceutical companies: AstraZeneca, Asche Chesi, Boehringer Ingelheim, and GlaxoSmithkline. The Hospital Furth has received grants for services performed during participation in single- and multi-center clinical phase III-IV trials organized by various pharmaceutical companies.

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R e c e i v e d : July 27, 2009
A c c e p t e d : October 15, 2009

Author’s address: Prof. Adrian Gillissen, Robert-Koch-Klinik, Thoraxzentrum des Klinikums, St. Georg Medical Center, Nikolai-Rumjanzew Str. 100, 04207 Leipzig, Germany; Phone: 0341-4231202; Fax: 0341-4231203; e-mail:; internet: